3. Headlight and Horn Crossover Harness 131.00 8. Dash and Engine Harness 1601.00
4. Dash and Engine Harness 1311.00 9. Instrument Panel Harness 89.00
5. Stop Light Switch Harness 42.00 10. Turn Signal Switch Harness 95.00
6. Turn Signal Switch Harness 112.00 11. Heater Switch to Heater Motor Wiring 123.00
7. Heater Switch to Heater Motor Wire 12.00 12. Clock Wiring 14.00
8. Overdrive Harness 176.00 13a Body and Taillights Harness [coupe] 625.00
9a. Body and Taillights Harness [sedan] 409.00 13b Body and Taillights Harness 1027.00
9b. Body and Taillights Harness [coupe] 409.00 [conv.w/power windows]
9c. Body and Taillights Harness [conv.] 555.00 14. Front Courtesy Light Bucket Wires [pair] 28.00
10. Front Window Control Harness [conv.] 306.00 15. Interior Lights Wiring [coupe] 54.00
11. Rear Window Control Harness [conv.] 283.00 16. 4-Way Power Seat Control Harness 287.00
12. Power Seat Control Harness 123.00 17. Left Front Window Regulator Relay Harness 262.00
13. License Light and Fuel Tank Harness 63.00 18. Right Front Window Regulator Relay Harness 177.00
[exc.stat.wag.] 19. Front Window Control Switch Harnesses [pair] 112.00
14. Taillight Bucket Wires [pair] 54.00 20. Rear Window Control Switch Harnesses [pair] 146.00
15. Hydraulic Pump Ground Strap 18.00 21. Trunk Light Bucket Wire 8.00
16. Starter Switch to Starter Cable 54.00 22. License Light and Fuel Tank Har.[exc.stat.wagon] 69.00
17. Negative Battery Cable 42.00 23. Back-up Light Bucket Wires [pair] 9.00
18. Positive Battery Strap 42.00 24. Taillight Bucket Wires [pair] 14.00
25. Power Window / Seat Feed Cable 18.00
1950 MERCURY Series OM
1. Headlight Bucket Wires [pair] 108.00 1953 MERCURY Series MA
2. Park and Turn Signal Bucket Wires [pair] 66.00 1. Headlight Bucket Wires [pair] 105.00
3. Headlight and Horn Crossover Harness 149.00 2. Park and Turn Signal Bucket Wires [pair] 71.00
4. Overdrive Harness 176.00 3. Headlight Crossover Harness 130.00
5. Stop Light Switch Harness 42.00 4. Horn Relay to Horn Wiring 54.00
6a. Dash and Engine Harness 1482.00 5. Overdrive Harness 157.00
6b. Dash and Engine Harness [w/power windows] 1605.00 6. Neutral Safety Switch Harness [auto.trans.] 53.00
7. Miscellaneous Dash Wires 44.00 7. Dash and Engine Harness 1538.00
8. Turn Signal Switch Harness 95.00 8. Instrument Panel Harness 89.00
9. Heater Switch to Heater Motor Harness 61.00 9. Turn Signal Switch Harness 95.00
10a Body and Taillights Harness [coupe] 413.00 10. Heater Switch to Heater Motor Wiring 123.00
10b Body and Taillights Harness [4dr.sedan] 487.00 11. Clock Wiring 14.00
11. Trunk Light Bucket Wire [4dr.sedan] 12.00 12a Body and Taillights Harness [coupe] 625.00
12. License Light and Fuel Tank Harness 63.00 12b Body and Taillights Harness [4dr.sedan] 537.00
[exc.stat.wag] 12c Body and Taillights Harness 1027.00
13. Taillight Bucket Wires [pair] 14.00 [conv.w/power windows]
14. Hydraulic Pump Ground Strap 18.00 13. Front Courtesy Light Bucket Wires [pair] 28.00
15. Negative Battery Cable 42.00 14. Interior Lights Wiring [coupe] 54.00
16. Positive Battery Strap 42.00 15. 4-Way Power Seat Control Harness 287.00
17. Starter Switch to Starter Cable 54.00 16. Left Front Window Regulator Relay Harness 262.00
17. Right Front Window Regulator Relay Harness 177.00
1951 MERCURY Series 1M 18. Front Window Control Switch Harnesses [pair] 112.00
1. Headlight Bucket Wires [pair] 149.00 19. Rear Window Control Switch Harnesses [pair] 146.00
2. Park and Turn Signal Bucket Wires [pair] 99.00 20. Trunk Light Bucket Wire 8.00
3. Headlight and Horn Crossover Harness 183.00 21. License Light and Fuel Tank Har.[exc.stat.wagon] 69.00
4. Overdrive Harness 162.00 22. Back-up Light Bucket Wires [pair] 9.00
5. Neutral Safety Switch Harness 89.00 23. Taillight Bucket Wires [pair] 14.00
6. Stop Light Switch Harness 12.00 24. Power Window / Seat Feed Cable 18.00
7a. Dash and Engine Harness 1482.00
7b. Dash and Engine Harness [w/power windows] 1605.00 1954 MERCURY Series MB
8. Miscellaneous Dash Wires 44.00 1. Headlight Bucket Wires [pair] 112.00
9. Turn Signal Switch Harness 95.00 2. Park and Turn Signal Bucket Wires [pair] 89.00
10. Heater Switch to Heater Motor Harness 61.00 3. Headlight Crossover Harness 130.00
11a Body and Taillights Harness [coupe] 413.00 4. Horn Relay to Horn Wiring 54.00
11b Body and Taillights Harness [4dr.sedan] 487.00 5. Generator Harness 105.00
11c Body and Taillights Harness 739.00 6. Overdrive Harness 157.00
conv.w/power windows 7. Neutral Safety Switch Harness [auto.trans.] 53.00
12. Rear Window Control Harness [conv.] 283.00 8. Dash and Engine Harness 1203.00
13. Trunk Light Bucket Wire [4dr.sedan] 12.00 9. Instrument Panel Harness 77.00
14. License Light and Fuel Tank Harness 63.00 10. Turn Signal Switch Harness 99.00
[exc.stat.wag.] 11. Heater Switch to Heater Motor Wiring 168.00
15. Back-up Light Wiring [opt.] 83.00 12. Clock Wiring 14.00
16. Taillight Bucket Wires [pair] 14.00 13a Body and Taillights Harness [coupe] 497.00
17. Hydraulic Pump Ground Strap 18.00 13b Body and Taillights Harness [sedan] 456.00
18. Negative Battery Cable 42.00 13c Body and Taillights Harness 755.00
19. Positive Battery Strap 42.00 [coupe w/power windows]
20. Starter Switch to Starter Cable 54.00 13d Body and Taillights Harness 843.00
[conv. w/power windows]
1952 MERCURY Series MA Note: Includes Conv. Top Feed Cable.
1. Headlight Bucket Wires [pair] 105.00 14. Front Courtesy Light Harness 199.00
2. Park and Turn Signal Bucket Wires [pair] 71.00 15. 4-Way Power Seat Control Harness 287.00
3. Headlight Crossover Harness 130.00 16. Left Front Window Regulator Relay Harness 262.00
4. Foglight Wiring [opt.] 142.00 17. Right Front Window Regulator Relay Harness 177.00
5. Horn Relay to Horn Wiring 54.00 18. Front Window Control Switch Harnesses [pair] 112.00
6. Overdrive Harness 157.00 19. Rear Window Control Switch Harnesses [pair] 146.00
7. Neutral Safety Switch Harness [auto.trans.] 53.00 20. Fuel Tank and License Light Harness 54.00
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