1947 WILLYS Jeep Model CJ-2A
1951 WHITE TRUCK Pirsch Body Fire Truck [serial #83380-148458]
1. Headlight Bucket Wires [pair] 147.00 1. Headlight Bucket Wires [pair] 116.00
2. Headlight Crossover Harness 63.00 2. Parking Light Bucket Wires [pair] 28.00
3. Dimmer Sw.to Headlight Jct. Block Harness 69.00 after serial #97740
4. Generator Harness 83.00 3. Generator Harness [exc.heav.duty] 44.00
5. Starter and Ignition Harness 149.00 4. Dash and Engine Harness 222.00
6. Dash, Engine, and Body Harness 186.00 serial #116421-148458
7. Taillight Bucket Wires [each] 207.00 5. Starter and Ignition Harness [exc.heav.duty] 99.00
6. Fuel Tank Connector Wire 14.00
WILLYS 7. Body and Taillight Harness 72.00
8. Starter Switch to Starter Cable 60.00
1941 WILLYS Model 441
1. Dash and Dimmer Switch Harness 321.00 1948 WILLYS Jeep Model CJ-2A
2. Starter Harness 162.00 [serial #148459-222581]
3. Overdrive Harness 198.00 1. Headlight Bucket Wires [pair] 116.00
4. Body and Taillights Harness 251.00 2. Parking Light Bucket Wires [pair] 28.00
5. Miscellaneous Dash Wires 44.00 3. Generator Harness [exc.heav.duty] 44.00
6. Headlight Harnesses [pair] 146.00 4. Dash and Engine Harness 222.00
7. Generator Harness 63.00 serial #148459-178361
8. Taillight Bucket Wires [pair] 12.00 5. Starter and Ignition Harness [exc.heav.duty] 99.00
6. Fuel Tank Connector Wire 14.00
1953 WILLYS Model 685A 7. Body and Taillight Harness 72.00
1. Headlight Bucket Wires [pair] 117.00 serial #148459-219465
2. Dash, Engine and Headlight Harness 557.00 8. Starter Switch to Starter Cable 60.00
3. Generator Harness 98.00
4. Horn Button Ground Wire 9.00 1949 WILLYS Jeep Model CJ-2A
5. Starter and Ignition Harness 184.00 [serial #222582-224764]
6. Coil to Distributor Wire [low tension] 7.00 1. Headlight Bucket Wires [pair] 116.00
7. Turn Signal Switch Harness 105.00 2. Parking Light Bucket Wires [pair] 28.00
8. Front Courtesy Light and Door Switch Harness 199.00 3. Generator Harness [exc.heav.duty] 44.00
9. Overdrive Harness 207.00 4. Starter and Ignition Harness [exc.heav.duty] 99.00
10. Body and Taillights Harness 352.00 5. Fuel Tank Connector Wire 14.00
6. Starter Switch to Starter Cable 60.00
1954 WILLYS Model 685B
1. Park and Turn Signal Bucket Wires [pair] 49.00 1950 WILLYS Jeepster Six
2. Dash, Engine, and Headlight Harness 557.00 1. Dash and Engine Harness 672.00
3. Starter and Ignition Harness 184.00 2. Generator Harness 63.00
4. Front Courtesy Light and Door Switch Harness 199.00 3. Horn Relay to Horn Harness 18.00
5. Turn Signal Switch Harness 100.00 4. Stop Light Sw. and Oil Pressure Sender Harness 54.00
6. Body and Taillights Harness [2dr./4dr.sedan] 338.00 5. Headlight Bucket Wires [pair] 129.00
7. License Light Bucket Wire 9.00 6. Body Harness 116.00
7. Taillight Bucket Wires [pair] 99.00
1955 WILLYS Model 6-226
1. Dash, Engine and Headlight Harness 929.00 1953 WILLYS Military Jeep / M38A1
2. Front Courtesy Light and Door Switch Harness 230.00 1. Main Lighting Harness 959.00
3. Body and Taillights Harness [2dr./4dr.sedan] 338.00 2. Dash and Engine Harness 260.00
4. License Light Bucket Wire 9.00 3. Headlight Crossover Harness 259.00
1. Dash, Engine and Headlight Harness 804.00
WILLYS Military Jeep Model MA 2. Body and Taillights Harness 203.00
1. Positive Battery Cable 89.00 3. Headlight Bucket Wires [pair] 212.00
2. Starter Switch to Starter Cable 61.00
1945 WILLYS Jeep Model CJ-2A
[serial #10001-11824]
1. Headlight Bucket Wires [pair] 116.00
2. Generator Harness [exc.heav.duty] 44.00
3. Starter and Ignition Harness [exc.heav.duty] 99.00
4. Fuel Tank Connector Wire 14.00
5. Starter Switch to Starter Cable 60.00
1946 WILLYS Jeep Model CJ-2A
[serial #11825-83379]
1. Headlight Bucket Wires [pair] 116.00
2. Parking Light Bucket Wires [pair] 28.00
3. Generator Harness [exc.heav.duty] 44.00
4. Dash and Engine Harness 222.00
serial #51228-75448
5. Starter and Ignition Harness [exc.heav.duty] 99.00
6. Fuel Tank Connector Wire 14.00
7a. Body and Taillight Harness 72.00
serial #11825-75447
7b. Body and Taillight Harness 72.00
serial #75448-83379
8. Starter Switch to Starter Cable 60.00