5. Overdrive Connector Harness 98.00
[Not Required when Ordering #5b.] 6. Electromatic Clutch Harness 344.00
8. Overdrive Connector Harness 98.00 7. Electromatic Clutch Connector Harness 184.00
9a. Taillight Bucket Wires [1803/pair] 148.00 8a. Dash and Engine Harness 795.00
9b. Taillight Bucket Wires [1804,1805/pair] 168.00 8b. Dash and Engine Harness [w/overdrive] 1086.00
10. Negative Battery Cable 117.00 9. Windshield Wiper Motor Harnesses [set of two] 90.00
11. Positive Battery Strap 49.00 10. Clock and Glove Box Harness 100.00
11. Body Harness 247.00
1940 PACKARD Super Eight 1803,1803A,1804,1805 [RHD] 12. Taillight Bucket Wires [pair] 148.00
1. Headlight Bucket Wires [seal-beam/pair] 244.00 13. Negative Battery Cable 105.00
2. Parking Light Bucket Wires [pair] 63.00 14. Positive Battery Strap 49.00
3. Dash and Engine Harness 767.00
4. Horn Button Ground Wire 9.00 1941 PACKARD One Twenty 1901,1901A
5. Coil to Distributor Wire [low tension] 3.00 1. Headlight Bucket Wires [pair] 192.00
6a. Body Harness [1803/127"W.B.] 247.00 2. Park and Turn Signal Bucket Wires [pair] 25.00
6b. Body Harness [1803A] 238.00 3. Coil to Distributor Wire [low tension] 3.00
6c. Body Harness [1804/138"W.B.] 236.00 4. Overdrive Harness 312.00
6d. Body Harness [1805/148"W.B.] 253.00 [Not Required when Ordering #9b.]
7a. Taillight Bucket Wires [1803/pair] 148.00 5. Overdrive Connector Harness 98.00
7b. Taillight Bucket Wires [1804,1805/pair] 168.00 6. Electromatic Clutch Harness 344.00
8. Negative Battery Cable 117.00 7. Electromatic Clutch Connector Harness 184.00
9. Positive Battery Strap 49.00 8. Windshield Wiper Motor Harnesses [set of two] 90.00
9a. Dash and Engine Harness 795.00
1940 PACKARD Custom Super Eight 1806,1807,1808 9b. Dash and Engine Harness [w/overdrive] 1086.00
1. Headlight Bucket Wires [seal-beam/pair] 244.00 10. Clock and Glove Box Harness 100.00
2. Parking Light Bucket Wires [pair] 63.00 11. Radio Feed Wire 3.00
3. Coil to Distributor Wire [low tension] 3.00 12a Body Harness [1901/127"W.B.] 247.00
4. Horn Button Ground Wire 9.00 12b Body Harness [1901A] 238.00
5a. Dash and Engine Harness 933.00 13. Taillight Bucket Wires [pair] 148.00
5b. Dash and Engine Harness [w/overdrive] 1029.00 14. Negative Battery Cable [1901] 105.00
6a. Body Harness [1806/127"W.B.] 247.00 15. Positive Battery Strap 49.00
6b. Body Harness [1807/138"W.B.] 236.00
6c. Body Harness [1808/148"W.B.] 253.00 1941 PACKARD Super Eight 1903, 1903A, 1904, 1905
7. Overdrive Harness 312.00 1. Headlight Bucket Wires [pair] 192.00
[Not Required when Ordering #5b.] 2. Park and Turn Signal Bucket Wires [pair] 25.00
8. Overdrive Connector Harness 98.00 3. Coil to Distributor Wire [low tension] 3.00
9a. Taillight Bucket Wires [1806/pair] 148.00 4. Overdrive Connector Harness 98.00
9b. Taillight Bucket Wires [1807,1808/pair] 168.00 5. Electromatic Clutch Harness 344.00
10. Negative Battery Cable 117.00 6. Electromatic Clutch Connector Harness 184.00
11. Positive Battery Strap 49.00 7a. Dash and Engine Harness 877.00
7b. Dash and Engine Harness [w/overdrive] 1174.00
1940 PACKARD Custom Super Eight 1806 8. Clock and Glove Box Harness 100.00
"Darrin" Victoria Convertible - Body 700 9a. Body Harness [1903/127"W.B.] 251.00
1. Heater Motor Harness 108.00 9b. Body Harness [1903A] 238.00
9c. Body Harness [1904/138"W.B.] 236.00
1940 PACKARD Custom Super Eight 1806,1807,1808 [RHD] 9d. Body Harness [1905/148"W.B.] 253.00
1. Headlight Bucket Wires [seal-beam/pair] 244.00 10. Front Courtesy Light and Door Sw. Wiring 99.00
2. Parking Light Bucket Wires [pair] 63.00 11. Rear Dome Light and Door Sw. Wiring [4dr.sedan] 192.00
3. Coil to Distributor Wire [low tension] 3.00 12. Taillight Bucket Wires [pair] 168.00
4. Horn Button Ground Wire 9.00 13. Negative Battery Cable 117.00
5. Dash and Engine Harness 767.00 14. Positive Battery Strap 49.00
6a. Body Harness [1806/127"W.B.] 247.00
6b. Body Harness [1807/138"W.B.] 236.00 1941 PACKARD Custom Super Eight 1906, 1907, 1908
6c. Body Harness [1808/148"W.B.] 253.00 1. Headlight Bucket Wires [pair] 192.00
7a. Taillight Bucket Wires [1806/pair] 148.00 2. Park and Turn Signal Bucket Wires [pair] 25.00
7b. Taillight Bucket Wires [1807,1808/pair] 168.00 3. Coil to Distributor Wire [low tension] 3.00
8. Negative Battery Cable 117.00 4. Overdrive Connector Harness 98.00
9. Positive Battery Strap 49.00 5. Electromatic Clutch Harness 344.00
6. Electromatic Clutch Connector Harness 184.00
1941 PACKARD Clipper Series 1951 7a. Dash and Engine Harness 877.00
1. Headlight Bucket Wires [pair] 239.00 7b. Dash and Engine Harness [w/overdrive] 1174.00
2. Parking Light Bucket Wires [pair] 12.00 8. Clock and Glove Box Harness 100.00
3. Coil to Distributor Harness 54.00 9a. Body Harness [1906/127"W.B.] 251.00
4. Overdrive Connector Harness 105.00 9b. Body Harness [1907/138"W.B.] 236.00
5. Electromatic Clutch Harness [opt.] 375.00 9c. Body Harness [1908/148"W.B.] 253.00
6. Electromatic Clutch Connector Harness [opt.] 116.00 10. Power Window Control Harness 168.00
7a. Dash and Engine Harness 802.00 11. Power Window Pump Cables [set] 253.00
7b. Dash and Engine Harness [w/overdrive] 1086.00 12. Taillight Bucket Wires [pair] 168.00
8. Negative Battery Cable 63.00 13. Negative Battery Cable 117.00
9. Positive Battery Cable 57.00 14. Positive Battery Strap 49.00
1941 PACKARD One Ten 1900,T1900 1942 PACKARD Clipper Six 2000, 2010
1. Headlight Bucket Wires [pair] 192.00 1. Headlight Bucket Wires [pair] 264.00
2. Park and Turn Signal Bucket Wires [pair] 25.00 2. Park and Turn Light Bucket Wires [pair] 28.00
3. Coil to Distributor Wire [low tension] 3.00 3. Overdrive Harness 306.00
4. Overdrive Harness 312.00 [Not Required when Ordering #4b.]
[Not Required when Ordering #8b.] 4a. Dash and Engine Harness 843.00
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