3d. Body Harness [short wheelbase w/opts] 494.00
1936 DODGE TRUCK Series LF [1, 1 1/2 Ton] [fuel ga./fuel pump/inter.lts./rt.taillight]
1. Main Harness 783.00 4. Lubrication Signal Light Harness 236.00
2. Coil to Distributor Wire [low tension] 7.00 5a. Positive Battery Cable [galvanized] 157.00
3. Horn Button Ground Wire 9.00 5b. Positive Battery Cable [stainless] 176.00
4. Instrument Light Wiring 13.00 6. Negative Battery Strap 75.00
7. Engine Ground Strap 12.00
1937 DODGE TRUCK Series MC [1/2 Ton]
1. Headlight Harness 149.00 DURANT
2. Dash, Engine and Body Harness 586.00
3. Coil to Distributor Wire [low tension] 7.00 1923 DURANT Model A-22 [4 cyl.]
4. Horn Button Ground Wire 9.00 1a. Main Harness Kit [galvanized] 454.00
5. Taillight Bucket Wires [each] 14.00 1b. Main Harness Kit [stainless] 474.00
6. Negative Battery Cable 89.00
7. Positive Battery Strap 53.00 1929 DURANT Model 60 [6 cyl.]
1. Starter Switch to Starter Cable 49.00
1937 DODGE TRUCK Series MD [3/4, 1 Ton]
1. Headlight Harness 149.00 1931 DURANT Model 6-14 [6 cyl.]
2a. Dash, Engine, and Body Harness [120"W.B.] 591.00 1. Main Lighting Harness 438.00
2b. Dash, Engine, and Body Harness [136"W.B.] 602.00 2. Dash and Engine Harness 207.00
3. Coil to Distributor Wire [low tension] 7.00
4. Horn Button Ground Wire 9.00 ERSKINE
5. Taillight Bucket Wires [each] 14.00
6. Negative Battery Cable 89.00 1930 ERSKINE Dynamic Model 53
7. Positive Battery Strap 53.00 1. Dash and Engine Harness 459.00
1937 DODGE TRUCK Series ME [3/4, 1, 1 1/2 Ton] ESSEX
1. Main Harness 869.00
2. Coil to Distributor Wire [low tension] 7.00 1924 ESSEX 6 cyl.
3. Horn Button Ground Wire 9.00 1. Main Wiring Kit 230.00
4a. Taillight Connector Harness [133"W.B.] 125.00
4b. Taillight Connector Harness [159"W.B.] 146.00 1929 ESSEX Super Six Challenger
5. Taillight Bucket Wires [each] 14.00 1a. Headlight Bucket Wires [pair/galvanized] 129.00
1b. Headlight Bucket Wires [pair/stainless] 131.00
1937 DODGE TRUCK Series MF [1, 1 1/2 Ton] 2. Headlight Switch to Taillight Harness 133.00
1. Main Harness 869.00 3. Horn Wiring 26.00
2. Coil to Distributor Wire [low tension] 7.00 4. Ammeter Wiring 56.00
3. Horn Button Ground Wire 9.00 5. Ignition Switch to Coil Wiring 38.00
4a. Taillight Connector Harness [133"W.B.] 125.00 6. Junction Block to Dash Wiring 74.00
4b. Taillight Connector Harness [159"W.B.] 146.00 7a. Cowl Light Bucket Wires [pair/galvanized] 39.00
5. Taillight Bucket Wires [each] 14.00 7b. Cowl Light Bucket Wires [pair/stainless] 42.00
8. Positive Battery Cable 79.00
1937 DODGE TRUCK Series MH [1, 2 Ton]
1. Main Harness [exc.MH-49] 869.00 ESSEX TERRAPLANE
2. Coil to Distributor Wire [low tension] 7.00
3. Horn Button Ground Wire 9.00 [Late] 1932-33 ESSEX TERRAPLANE Six / Model K
4. Taillight Connector Harness [148"W.B.] 146.00 1. Headlight Bucket Wires [pair] 87.00
5. Taillight Bucket Wires [each] 14.00 2. Parking Light Bucket Wires [pair] 49.00
3. Main Lighting Harness 324.00
1938 DODGE TRUCK Series RC [1/2 Ton] 4. Dash and Engine Harness 210.00
1. Headlight Harness 149.00 5. Horn Button Ground Wire 12.00
2. Dash, Engine and Body Harness 586.00 6. Dome Light Wiring 12.00
3. Negative Battery Cable 89.00 7. Taillight Bucket Wires [each] 12.00
4. Positive Battery Strap 53.00
1933 ESSEX TERRAPLANE Special Six / Model KU
1939 DODGE TRUCK Series TC [1/2 Ton] 1. Headlight Bucket Wires [pair] 100.00
1. Main Lighting Harness 619.00 2. Dual Horn Wiring [opt.] 140.00
2. Dash and Engine Harness [w/gen.cutout] 679.00 3. Main Lighting Harness 297.00
3. Ignition Switch Harness 44.00 4. Dash and Engine Wiring 94.00
5. Horn Button Ground Wire 7.00
1939 DODGE TRUCK Series TF [1 1/2 Ton] 6. Dome Light Wire [2dr.coupe] 13.00
1. Main Lighting Harness 572.00 7. Fuel Tank Connector Wire 13.00
2. Dash and Engine Harness [w/voltage reg.] 717.00 8. Taillight Bucket Wires [each] 26.00
3. Ignition Switch Harness 44.00 9. Engine Ground Strap 73.00
4. Taillight Connector Harness [160"W.B.] 131.00 10. Negative Battery Strap 94.00
11. Positive Battery Cable 149.00
1933 ESSEX TERRAPLANE Standard Eight / Model KT
1929-37 DUESENBERG Model J 1. Dimmer Switch Harness 53.00
1a. Dash and Engine Harness 351.00 2. Ignition and Coil Wiring 105.00
1b. Dash and Engine Harness [w/"pilotray" lts.] 376.00 3. Generator (cut-out) Relay Wiring 63.00
2a. Headlight Harness 251.00 4. Dash and Instrument Light Wires 44.00
2b. Headlight Harness [w/"pilotray" lts.] 282.00 5. Dash, Engine and Body Harness 177.00
3a. Body Harness [long wheelbase] 316.00
3b. Body Harness [long wheelbase w/opts] 497.00 FORD
[fuel ga./fuel pump/inter.lts./rt.taillight]
3c. Body Harness [short wheelbase] 315.00
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